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Fund name CVI SICAV SIF S.A. - CEE Junior Debt
Valuation date 28.02.2025
Valuation PLN 1,430.69*
  1 month YTD 1 year 3 years
RoR -0.29% -1.29% -12.30% 15.15%

data refer to Class O shares

Investment policy: the Fund operates under Luxembourg law. The Fund’s investments are concentrated in non-public bonds issued by companies and shares in non-public companies. In order to mitigate investment risk and manage the portfolio efficiently, the Fund may use investment techniques involving derivatives. The Fund invests primarily in instruments issued in domestic and foreign markets that can be used to meet the issuer’s short- and long-term financing needs, such as project financing, financing acquisitions of other entities, financing management buyouts (MBOs). The Fund does not specifically target any market sectors. The Fund’s investments in instruments of an equity nature are made on the basis of a series of analyses and studies typical of equity investments.

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