Investment process
Proven investment process results in smooth decision making

CVI - Non-binding confirmation of interest

CVI - Investment committee approval

CVI - Distribution of funds

- A project leader is assigned to each project
- Initial analysis based on info provided/ high-level follow-up questions
- Fast decision (go/no go) based on proprietary investment criteria
Analysis and Company meeting
- Meeting with founders, management
- Sharing detailed information, including the business plan, via email and Q&A sessions
- Reviewing business assumptions
- In-depth assessment of the project, following detailed analysis
Term sheet
- Finalisation of financial model and stress-testing
- Preparation of financing structure
- Site visit, if not already done
- Negotiation of term sheet, including interest rate, collateral, covenants etc.
- Completion of internal due diligence, preparation of investment memorandum
and Closing
- Conduct of confirmatory external due diligence, if necessary
- Selection of legal advisers
- Negotiation and signing of legal documentation
- Establishment of collateral
- Quarterly review of financial performance
- Review of covenants
- Adjustments to financial projections and ratings, if necessary
- Supporting the company in strategic business decisions