Consumer goods
CVI finances production as well as distribution of consumer goods.
Production of consumer goods includes subsectors as different as fast moving consumer goods, white goods (household products), automobiles or apparel. Each has its own specificities, and CVI has experience with analyzing the value-added drivers in each category, as well as the fundamental and latest consumer shifts in demand. CVI is therefore able to provide companies with financing tailored to their present needs, whilst allowing them to capitalize on market trends.
Distribution/retailing has been a very dynamic sector over the past few years, at the confluence of consumer trends, new technology and the advent of the e-commerce as well as supply chain topics that were tested during covid-19. At CVI, we understand and finance those pockets of the distribution space we are comfortable with, or those where we see a significant potential materializing in the near future.
Contact person

Magdalena Śniegocka