CVI plans to invest 500 million euros over the next 3 years.
“Meeting market needs, we plan to invest 500 million euros over the next three years to finance SMEs in the Central European region, which will stimulate their growth and the competitiveness of the regional economy,” said Marcin Leja, CEO of CVI, in an interview with ISBnews.
CVI has already completed investments with a total value of over 3.2 billion euros, focusing primarily on investments in the range of 5 to 15 million euros.
CVI Dom Maklerski, operating in the corporate financing market under the private debt model, estimates that the demand for this type of financing in the CEE region exceeds 10 billion euros.
Read more in the article:
CVI przeznaczy 500 mln euro na finansowanie private debt firm MŚP w CEE w 3 lata – Inwestycje.pl